
If you cannot access any of these publications due to a pay wall, please drop me an email.

What is the association between racism-related stressors and mental health?

Deckard, Faith M., Andrew Messamore, Bridget J. Goosby, and Jacob E. Cheadle. 2023. “A Network Approach to Assessing the Relationship between Discrimination and Mental Health.” Social Psychology Quarterly 0(0). PODCAST AVAILABLE

How do Black women navigate interactions with police?

Malone Gonzalez, Shannon and Faith M. Deckard*. 2022. “’We Got Witnesses’: Black Women Navigating Police Violence and Legal Estrangement.” Social Problems Online First.

What individual and collective strategies do poor people North and South of the U.S. border adopt to survive?

Deckard, Faith M. and Javier Auyero. 2022. “Poor People’s Survival Strategies: Two Decades of Research in the Americas.” Annual Review of Sociology 48(1):373-395. VIDEO SUMMARY AVAILABLE VIA FACULTI

How does stress stemming from educational debt impact students’ mental health while enrolled in college?

Deckard, Faith M., Bridget J. Goosby, and Jacob E. Cheadle. 2022. “Debt Stress, College Stress: Implications for Black and Latinx Students’ Mental Health.”  Race and Social Problems 14:238–253.